Create a home for your business in dynamic Medan, capital of Indonesia’s North Sumatra province. Close to economic powerhouses like Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, Forum Nine puts you in a prominent location to take your business to the next level. Build lasting relationships at modern workspaces d...
Settle your team and design your own headquarters, own secure and convenient flexible office and coworking space in Sinar Mas Land Plaza Medan. This hub will empower, energize, and inspire your team members with all-day long ample natural lights, and comfortable workspaces. Quality-of-life-features ...
Forum Nine Office is one of the most exclusive buildings located in the city centre and is only a stone's throw away from the central business district and government buildings. The city's three largest malls, Lippo Mall, Sun Plaza Mall and Paladium Mall are also conveniently situated nearby. Foru...